search recordings by number
Listen by number, as referenced in the book’s text; state abbreviations are added as a prefix. Simply click on any of the 381 numbers, such as CO-280, where you’ll be whisked away to Colorado, listening to yellow-headed blackbirds.
- VA-1: American robin
- VA-2: Wood thrush
- VA-3: Carolina chickadee
- VA-4: Tufted titmouse
- VA-5: Carolina wren
- VA-6: Seaside sparrow
- VA-7: Fish crow
- VA-8: Laughing gull
- VA-9: Eastern towhee
- VA-10: Blue jay
- VA-11: Red-eyed vireo
- VA-12: House sparrow
- MO-13: Barred owl
- VA-14: Chipping sparrow
- VA-15: Chipping sparrow
- VA-16: Pileated woodpecker
- VA-17: White-throated sparrow
- VA-18: Purple martin
- VA-18: Charles Haupt
- VA-19: Field sparrow
- VA-20: Field sparrow
- VA-21: Field sparrow
- VA-22: Common yellowthroat
- VA-23: Summer tanager
- VA-24: Blue-gray gnatcatcher
- VA-25: Blue-gray gnatcatcher
- VA-26: Northern cardinal
- VA-27: Great crested flycatcher
- VA-28: Gray catbird
- VA-29: Northern mockingbird
- VA-30: Brown thrasher
- VA-31: Eastern phoebe
- VA-32: Prairie warbler
- VA-33: Prairie warbler
- VA-34: June Curry
- VA-35: Eastern towhee
- VA-36: Wood thrush
- VA-37: Eastern whip-poor-will
- VA-38: Scarlet tanager
- VA-39: Field sparrow
- VA-40: Chestnut-sided warbler
- VA-41: Chestnut-sided warbler
- VA-42: Chestnut-sided warbler
- VA-43: Chestnut-sided warbler
- KY-44: Yellow-throated warbler
- VA-45: Indigo bunting
- VA-45: Hooded warbler
- VA-46: Northern parula
- VA-47: Black-throated blue warbler
- VA-48: Ovenbird
- VA-49: Billy Rays Smith
- VA-50: Song sparrow
- VA-51: Veery
- VA-52: Canada warbler
- VA-53: American robin
- VA-54: Least flycatcher
- VA-55: Least flycatcher
- VA-56: Alder flycatcher
- VA-57: Winter wren
- VA-58: Black-capped chickadee
- VA-59: Brown creeper
- VA-60: Red-breasted nuthatch
- VA-61: Black-throated green warbler
- VA-62: Black-throated green warbler
- VA-63: Dark-eyed junco
- VA-64: Blue-headed vireo
- VA-65: Bert Snodgrass
- VA-66: Chimney swift
- VA-67: Terry Owens
- KY-68: Fighting cock
- WY-69: Yellow warbler
- VA-70: Pileated woodpecker
- KY-71: Listening from the bicycle
- KY-72: Eastern bluebird
- VA-73: Blue-winged warbler
- VA-74: Black-and-white warbler
- KY-75: American redstart
- VA-76: Hooded warbler
- VA-77: Blue-winged warbler
- VA-78: Black-and-white warbler
- VA-79: American redstart
- VA-80: Hooded warbler
- KY-81: Hooded warbler
- KY-81: Kentucky warbler
- KY-82: Willow flycatcher
- KY-83: Dogs!
- KY-84: Mary Lou Napier
- VA-85: Eastern kingbird
- KY-86: Yellow-breasted chat
- VA-87: Brown-headed cowbird
- IL-88: Yellow-breasted chat
- KY-89: MORE Dogs!
- KY-90: Northern parula
- KY-91: Scarlet tanager
- KY-92: Orchard oriole
- KY-93: Field sparrow
- IL-94: Yellow warbler
- VA-95: Indigo bunting
- VA-96: Indigo bunting
- IL-97: Indigo bunting
- KY-98: White-eyed vireo
- KY-99: White-eyed vireo
- VA-100: Eastern meadowlark
- IL-101: Red-winged blackbird
- KY-102: High school students
- KY-103: European starling
- KY-104: House sparrow
- KY-105: Northern mockingbird
- VA-106: Northern cardinal
- VA-106: Mourning dove
- IL-107: Dickcissel
- IL-108: Dickcissel
- IL-109: Dickcissel
- IL-110: Dickcissel
- MO-111: Dickcissel
- MO-112: Dickcissel
- MO-113: Dickcissel
- MO-114: Dickcissel
- KY-115: Brown-headed cowbird
- VA-116: Common grackle
- KY-117: Reverend James Love
- IL-118: Prothonotary warbler
- MO-119: Northern bobwhite
- KY-120: House finch
- KY-121: Sedge wren
- MO-122: Summer tanager
- KY-123: Henslow's sparrow
- IL-124: Warbling vireo
- KY-125: Acadian flycatcher
- IL-126: Purple martin
- IL-127: Chuck-will's-widow
- KY-128: Great crested flycatcher
- MO-129: Acadian flycatcher
- IL-130: Summer tanager
- IL-131: Northern parula
- IL-132: Louisiana waterthrush
- IL-133: Worm-eating warbler
- KY-134: Eastern wood-pewee
- IL-135: Chipping sparrow
- VA-136: Killdeer
- VA-137: Red-bellied woodpecker
- IL-138: Red-winged blackbird
- CO-139: House sparrow
- MO-140: Pine warbler
- VA-141: House wren
- CO-142: Bewick's wren
- MO-143: Belted kingfisher
- KY-144: Eastern wood-pewee
- MO-145: Chipping sparrow
- IL-146: Orchard oriole
- OR-147: Cedar waxwing
- MO-148: Yellow-throated vireo
- MO-149: Chickadee hybrids
- MO-150: Eastern phoebe
- MO-151: Bell's vireo
- MO-152: Yellow-breasted chat
- MO-153: Willow flycatcher
- MO-154: Dickcissel
- MO-155: Dickcissel
- MO-156: Dickcissel
- MO-157: Dickcissel
- MO-158: Dickcissel
- MO-159: Dickcissel
- MO-160: Dickcissel
- MO-161: Eastern meadowlark
- KS-162: Eastern meadowlark
- MO-163: Brown-headed cowbird
- MO-164: Henslow's sparrow
- MO-165: Henslow's sparrow
- MO-168: Grasshopper sparrow
- MO-169: Baltimore oriole
- MO-169: Rose-breasted grosbeak
- OR-170: Common nighthawk
- KS-171: Upland sandpiper
- KS-172: Oil well pump
- KS-173: Great crested flycatcher
- KS-174: Eastern kingbird
- KS-175: Western kingbird
- KS-176: Scissor-tailed flycatcher
- KS-177: Baltimore oriole
- CO-178: Western meadowlark
- OR-179: Pied-billed grebe
- CO-180: Western meadowlark
- KS-181: Cliff swallow
- OR-182: Black-capped chickadee
- KS-183: Northern flicker
- CO-184: Lark bunting
- CO-185: Rock wren
- KS-186: Northern mockingbird
- KS-187: Western kingbird
- CO-188: Cassin's sparrow
- CO-189: Lark sparrow
- OR-190: Bullock's oriole
- OR-191: House finch
- OR-192: Say's phoebe
- CO-193: Black-headed grosbeak
- CO-194: Spotted towhee
- CO-195: Gray flycatcher
- CO-196: Gray flycatcher
- CO-197: Gray flycatcher
- CO-198: Black-headed grosbeak
- CO-199: Juniper titmouse
- CO-200: Plumbeous vireo
- OR-201: Western wood-pewee
- ID-202: Cordilleran flycatcher
- CO-203: Broad-tailed hummingbird
- CO-204: Broad-tailed hummingbird
- CO-205: Lesser goldfinch
- CO-206: Clark's nutcracker
- CO-206: Hermit thrush
- OR-207: Western wood-pewee
- CO-208: Pinyon jay
- CO-209: Mountain chickadee
- CO-210: Ruby-crowned kinglet
- CO-211: Wilson's warbler
- CO-212: White-crowned sparrow
- CO-213: Lincoln's sparrow
- CO-214: Mountain chickadee
- CO-215: Brewer's sparrow
- CO-216: Brewer's sparrow
- CO-217: Sage thrasher
- CO-218: Wilson's snipe
- ID-219: Brewer's sparrow
- ID-220: Brewer's sparrow
- CO-221: Savannah sparrow
- CO-222: Horned lark
- ID-223: Rock wren
- CO-224: Green-tailed towhee
- MT-225: Willow flycatcher
- OR-226: American crow
- OR-226: Black-billed magpie
- OR-227: Black-billed magpie
- CO-228: Mountain bluebird
- CO-229: Western meadowlark
- CO-230: Marsh wren
- WY-231: Yellow-breasted chat
- CO-232: Loggerhead shrike
- CO-233: McCown's longspur
- WY-234: American goldfinch
- WY-235: Spotted towhee
- WY-236: Yellow-breasted chat
- WY-237: Virginia rail
- MT-238: Least flycatcher
- MT-238: Gray catbird
- OR-239: White-throated swift
- WY-240: Pine siskin
- CO-241: Olive-sided flycatcher
- WY-242: Warbling vireo
- MT-243: Swainson's thrush
- WY-244: American robin
- WY-245: Dusky flycatcher
- OR-246: Western tanager
- WY-247: Western tanager
- WY-248: Western tanager
- OR-249: Western tanager
- WY-250: Barn swallow
- WY-251: Dark-eyed junco
- WY-252: Red crossbill
- WY-253: Vesper sparrow
- WY-254: Weather forecast
- ID-255: Broad-tailed hummingbird
- CO-256: Hermit thrush
- WY-257: Ear spring geyser
- WY-258: Daisy geyser
- WY-259: Grotto geyser
- WY-260: Mountain bluebird
- WY-261: Sora
- WY-262: Yellow-rumped warbler
- WY-263: Cassin's finch
- WY-264: Cassin's finch
- WY-265: Ruby-crowned kinglet
- WY-266: Savannah sparrow
- WY-267: Mountain chickadee
- MT-268: Common raven
- MT-269: White-crowned sparrow
- MT-270: White-crowned sparrow
- MT-271: White-crowned sparrow
- MT-272: Sandhill crane
- ID-273: Horned lark
- WY-274: Rock wren
- MT-275: Western wood-pewee
- MT-276: Wilson's snipe
- MT-277: Gray catbird
- MT-278: Bobolink
- OR-279: Black-billed magpie
- CO-280: Yellow-headed blackbird
- MT-281: Brown-headed cowbird
- KS-282: Cattle
- MT-283: Wilson's snipe
- CO-284: Horned lark
- MT-285: American robin
- MT-286: White-crowned sparrow
- MT-287: Canada goose
- MT-287: Veery
- MT-287: Northern waterthrush
- MT-288: Black-capped chickadee
- MT-288: Northern waterthrush
- MT-288: Yellow warbler
- MT-289: Clark's nutcracker
- MT-289: MacGillivray's warbler
- MT-290: Lincoln's sparrow
- MT-291: Red-naped sapsucker
- MT-292: Townsend's solitaire
- OR-293: Pacific wren
- MT-294: Marsh wren
- OR-295: Common yellowthroat
- MT-296: American wigeon
- MT-297: Osprey
- ID-298: Spotted towhee
- ID-299: Lewis's woodpecker
- OR-300: Pacific wren
- ID-302: Nashville warbler
- ID-303: Steller's jay
- ID-304: Varied thrush
- ID-305: Ruffed grouse
- ID-307: Fox sparrow
- ID-308: Townsend's warbler
- ID-309: Yellow warbler
- ID-310: Yellow warbler
- OR-311: Western tanager
- OR-312: California quail
- OR-313: Lazuli bunting
- OR-314: Canyon wren
- WY-316: American goldfinch
- WY-316: Yellow warbler
- CO-317: Red-winged blackbird
- WY-321: Sora
- ID-323: Veery
- OR-324: Gray catbird
- OR-325: Black-headed grosbeak
- OR-325: Warbling vireo
- CO-326: Mourning dove
- CO-326: Western scrub-jay
- OR-327: Song sparrow
- OR-328: Yellow-breasted chat
- OR-329: Lazuli bunting
- OR-329: Rock wren
- OR-330: Cassin's vireo
- OR-331: Western kingbird
- OR-332: House sparrow
- OR-333: European starling
- OR-334: Hermit thrush
- OR-336: Dark-eyed junco
- OR-337: Golden-crowned kinglet
- OR-338: Bumblebees
- OR-339: Lazuli bunting
- OR-341: Bushtit
- OR-342: Western meadowlark
- OR-343: Steller's jay
- ID-344: Common raven
- OR-345: Fox sparrow
- OR-346: Townsend's solitaire
- OR-347: Hermit thrush
- MT-348: Olive-sided flycatcher
- OR-350: Hammond's flycatcher
- ID-351: Song sparrow
- OR-352: Three-wattled bellbird
- OR-353: Brown creeper
- OR-354: Spotted towhee
- OR-354: Swainson's thrush
- OR-355: Bewick's wren
- OR-356: Bewick's wren
- OR-357: Bewick's wren
- OR-358: Bewick's wren
- OR-359: Black-capped chickadee
- OR-360: Great horned owl
- OR-361: Orange-crowned warbler
- OR-362: Pacific-slope flycatcher
- OR-363: Tree swallow
- OR-364: Western scrub-jay
- OR-365: Lazuli bunting
- OR-365: Evening grosbeak
- OR-365: Purple finch
- OR-365: Warbling vireo
- OR-365: Orange-crowned warbler
- OR-365: Wilson's warbler
- OR-366: Red-tailed hawk
- OR-367: Red-breasted sapsucker
- OR-368: Black-throated gray warbler
- OR-369: Acorn woodpecker
- OR-370: Hutton's vireo
- OR-371: Marsh wren
- OR-372: Swainson's thrush
- OR-373: Swainson's thrush
- OR-374: Spotted towhee
- OR-375: Dark-eyed junco
- OR-375: Spotted towhee
- OR-376: Chestnut-backed chickadee
- OR-377: Chestnut-backed chickadee
- OR-378: American crow
- OR-378: Spotted towhee
- OR-379: Western gull
- OR-381: Wrentit
search recordings by species
From the Atlantic to the Pacific, choose any particular species that you’d like to listen to. Each listening opportunity is coded by state (VA for Virginia to OR for Oregon), and by the recording number as referenced in the text of the book Listening to a Continent Sing, Birdsong by Bicycle from the Atlantic to the Pacific. (Numbers in parentheses refer to recordings in which the species can be heard in the background; e.g., the Canada goose can be plainly heard in the background of the rock wren in WY-274).
- Ducks, geese
- Quail, grouse, pheasants
- Grebes
- Osprey, hawks
- Rails, cranes
- Shorebirds, gulls, guillemots
- Doves, cuckoos
- Owls
- Nightjars
- Swifts, hummingbirds
- Kingfisher, woodpeckers
- Alcedinidae
- Belted kingfisher MO-143
- Picidae
- Alcedinidae
- Flycatchers (and cotinga)
- Tyrannidae
- Olive-sided flycatcher CO-241, MT-348
- Western wood-pewee OR-201, OR-207, MT-275
- Eastern wood-pewee KY-134, KY-144, (MO-13)
- Acadian flycatcher KY-125, MO-129
- Alder flycatcher VA-56
- Willow flycatcher KY-82, MO-153, MT-225, (OR-190)
- Least flycatcher VA-54, VA-55, MT-238
- Hammond's flycatcher OR-350
- Gray flycatcher CO-195, CO-196, CO-197
- Dusky flycatcher WY-245
- Pacific-slope flycatcher OR-362
- Cordilleran flycatcher ID-202
- Eastern phoebe VA-31, MO-150
- Say's phoebe OR-192
- Great crested flycatcher VA-27, KY-128, KS-173, (VA-37), (VA-137), (KS-175), (KS-177)
- Western kingbird KS-175, KS-187, OR-331, (KS-173)
- Eastern kingbird VA-85, KS-174
- Scissor-tailed flycatcher KS-176
- Cotingide
- Three-wattled bellbird OR-352
- Tyrannidae
- Shrikes, vireos
- Jays and crows
- Larks, swallows
- Chickadees, titmouse
- Bushtit, nuthatches, creepers
- Wrens
- Gnatcatchers, kinglets, wrentit
- Thrushes
- Turdidae
- Eastern bluebird KY-72
- Mountain bluebird CO-228, WY-260
- Townsend's solitaire MT-292, OR-346
- Veery VA-51, MT-287, ID-323
- Swainson's thrush MT-243, OR-354, OR-372, OR-373
- Hermit thrush CO-206, CO-256, OR-334, OR-347
- Wood thrush VA-2, VA-36
- American robin VA-1, VA-53, WY-244, MT-285, (ID-298)
- Varied thrush ID-304
- Turdidae
- Mockingbirds, catbirds, thrashers, starlings
- Waxwing, longspur
- Warblers
- Parulidae
- Ovenbird VA-48, (VA-78), (KY-125)
- Worm-eating warbler IL-133, (IL-130)
- Louisiana waterthrush IL-132
- Northern waterthrush MT-287, MT-288
- Blue-winged warbler VA-73, VA-77
- Black-and-white warbler VA-74, VA-78, (VA-31)
- Prothonotary warbler IL-118
- Orange-crowned warbler OR-361, OR-365
- Nashville warbler ID-302
- MacGillivray's warbler MT-289, (CO-213), (WY-251)
- Kentucky warbler KY-81, (MO-129)
- Common yellowthroat VA-22, OR-295
- Hooded warbler VA-45, VA-76, VA-80, KY-81
- American redstart KY-75, VA-79, (KY-71)
- Northern parula VA-46, KY-90, IL-131
- Blackburnian warbler (VA-58)
- Yellow warbler WY-69, IL-94, MT-288, ID-309, ID-310, WY-316, (OR-190)
- Chestnut-sided warbler VA-40, VA-41, VA-42, VA-43, (VA-56)
- Black-throated blue warbler VA-47
- Pine warbler MO-140
- Yellow-rumped warbler WY-262
- Yellow-throated warbler KY-44
- Prairie warbler VA-32, VA-33
- Black-throated gray warbler OR-368
- Townsend's warbler ID-308
- Black-throated green warbler VA-61, VA-62, (VA-60)
- Canada warbler VA-52, (VA-47), (VA-56)
- Wilson's warbler CO-211, OR-365
- Yellow-breasted chat KY-86, IL-88, MO-152, WY-231, WY-236, OR-328, (MO-129)
- Parulidae
- Sparrows
- Emberizidae
- Green-tailed towhee CO-224
- Spotted towhee CO-194, WY-235, ID-298, OR-354, OR-374, OR-375, OR-378, (OR-207), (OR-359)
- Eastern towhee VA-9, VA-35, (VA-39)
- Cassin's sparrow CO-188
- Chipping sparrow VA-14, VA-15, IL-135, MO-145, (VA-85), (IL-146), (WY-247)
- Brewer's sparrow CO-215, CO-216, ID-219, ID-220
- Field sparrow VA-19, VA-20, VA-21, VA-39, KY-93, (VA-23)
- Vesper sparrow WY-253
- Lark sparrow CO-189
- Lark bunting CO-184
- Savannah sparrow CO-221, WY-266, (MT-283)
- Grasshopper sparrow MO-168
- Henslow's sparrow KY-123, MO-164, MO-165
- Seaside sparrow VA-6
- Fox sparrow ID-307, OR-345
- Song sparrow VA-50, OR-327, ID-351, (VA-56), (MT-288)
- Lincoln's sparrow CO-213, MT-290
- White-throated sparrow VA-17
- White-crowned sparrow CO-212, MT-269, MT-270, MT-271, MT-286
- Dark-eyed junco VA-63, WY-251, OR-336, OR-375
- Emberizidae
- Cardinals, tanagers, grosbeaks, buntings
- Cardinalidae
- Summer tanager VA-23, MO-122, IL-130, (VA-21), (IL-88)
- Scarlet tanager VA-38, KY-91, (VA-53), (KY-144)
- Western tanager OR-246, WY-247, WY-248, OR-249, OR-311, (OR-336)
- Northern cardinal VA-26, VA-106, (VA-37), (IL-127), (IL-146)
- Rose-breasted grosbeak MO-169
- Black-headed grosbeak CO-193, CO-198, OR-325, (ID-302)
- Lazuli bunting OR-313, OR-329, OR-339, OR-365
- Indigo bunting VA-45, VA-95, VA-96, IL-97, (VA-33), (IL-88), (IL-127)
- Dickcissel IL-107, IL-108, IL-109, IL-110, MO-111, MO-112, MO-113, MO-114, MO-154, MO-155, MO-156, MO-157, MO-158, MO-159, MO-160
- Cardinalidae
- Blackbirds
- Icteridae
- Bobolink MT-278
- Red-winged blackbird IL-101, IL-138, CO-317, (KY-121), (CO-218)
- Eastern meadowlark VA-100, MO-161, KS-162, (MO-153)
- Western meadowlark CO-178, CO-180, CO-229, OR-342, (CO-222)
- Yellow-headed blackbird CO-280, (CO-221)
- Common grackle VA-116
- Brown-headed cowbird VA-87, KY-115, MO-163, MT-281, (KS-162), (WY-236), (MT-290), (OR-339)
- Orchard oriole KY-92, IL-146
- Bullock's oriole OR-190
- Baltimore oriole MO-169, KS-177, (VA-116), (KS-173)
- Icteridae
- Finches, house sparrow
- People
- Miscellaneous (dogs, geysers, cattle, etc.)
search recordings by state
Sweep the continent on the TransAm bicycle route from Virginia to Oregon, through ten states, and pick where you want to listen. You can start on the Atlantic in Historical, coastal Virginia and head west all the way to the Pacific Coast in Oregon.
Here’s a quick index of your listening locations:
- Virginia: Historical, Coastal
- Willet (VA-8)
- Laughing gull VA-8, (VA-6)
- Mourning dove (VA-25)
- Fish crow VA-7, (VA-1)
- Purple martin VA-18
- Tufted titmouse VA-4
- Carolina wren VA-5
- Blue-gray gnatcatcher VA-24, VA-25
- American robin VA-1
- Gray catbird (VA-22)
- Northern mockingbird VA-29, (VA-7)
- Common yellowthroat VA-22
- Chipping sparrow VA-14, VA-15
- Field sparrow VA-19, VA-20, VA-21, (VA-23)
- Seaside sparrow VA-6
- White-throated sparrow VA-17
- Summer tanager VA-23, (VA-21)
- Charles Haupt VA-18
- Virginia: Eastern, from History to the Blue Ridge
- Killdeer VA-136
- Mourning dove VA-106
- Yellow-billed cuckoo (VA-10)
- Red-bellied woodpecker VA-137
- Great crested flycatcher VA-27, (VA-137)
- Eastern kingbird VA-85
- Red-eyed vireo (VA-137)
- Blue jay VA-10
- Carolina chickadee VA-3
- Wood thrush VA-2
- Prairie warbler VA-32, VA-33
- Chipping sparrow (VA-85)
- Scarlet tanager VA-38
- Northern cardinal VA-106
- Indigo bunting (VA-33)
- Brown-headed cowbird VA-87
- Virginia: Blue Ridge Parkway
- American woodcock (VA-35)
- Eastern whip-poor-will VA-37
- Northern flicker (VA-50)
- Pileated woodpecker (VA-36)
- Eastern phoebe VA-31
- Great crested flycatcher (VA-37)
- Wood thrush VA-36
- Ovenbird (VA-78)
- Black-and-white warbler VA-74, VA-78, (VA-31)
- Hooded warbler VA-45, VA-76, VA-80
- Chestnut-sided warbler VA-40, VA-41, VA-42, VA-43
- Eastern towhee VA-35, (VA-39)
- Field sparrow VA-39
- Song sparrow VA-50
- Northern cardinal VA-26, (VA-37)
- Indigo bunting VA-45, VA-95, VA-96, IL-97
- Eastern meadowlark VA-100
- Common grackle VA-116
- Baltimore oriole (VA-116)
- House sparrow VA-12
- June Curry VA-34
- Billy Rays Smith VA-49
- Virginia: Mt. Rogers and Highlands
- Wild turkey (VA-55)
- Chimney swift VA-66
- Alder flycatcher VA-56
- Least flycatcher VA-54, VA-55
- Blue-headed vireo VA-64
- Black-capped chickadee VA-58
- Red-breasted nuthatch VA-60
- Brown creeper VA-59, (VA-60)
- House wren (VA-56)
- Winter wren VA-57
- Golden-crowned kinglet (VA-62)
- Veery VA-51
- Gray catbird VA-28
- Ovenbird VA-48
- Northern parula VA-46
- Blackburnian warbler (VA-58)
- Chestnut-sided warbler (VA-56)
- Black-throated blue warbler VA-47
- Black-throated green warbler VA-61, VA-62, (VA-60)
- Canada warbler VA-52, (VA-47), (VA-56)
- Song sparrow (VA-56)
- Dark-eyed junco VA-63
- Bert Snodgrass VA-65
- Virginia and Kentucky: Appalachia
- Fighting cock KY-68
- Pileated woodpecker VA-16, VA-70
- Great crested flycatcher KY-128
- Red-eyed vireo VA-11
- House wren VA-141
- Carolina wren (KY-71)
- Eastern bluebird KY-72
- American robin VA-53
- Brown thrasher VA-30
- Blue-winged warbler VA-73, VA-77
- Kentucky warbler KY-81
- Hooded warbler KY-81
- American redstart KY-75, VA-79, (KY-71)
- Northern parula KY-90
- Yellow-throated warbler KY-44
- Eastern towhee VA-9
- Scarlet tanager (VA-53)
- Brown-headed cowbird KY-115
- Orchard oriole KY-92
- Terry Owens VA-67
- Mary Lou Napier KY-84
- Listening from the bicycle KY-71
- Dogs! KY-83
- MORE Dogs! KY-89
- Kentucky: Central and Western
- Northern flicker (KY-121)
- Pileated woodpecker (KY-134)
- Eastern wood-pewee KY-134, KY-144
- Acadian flycatcher KY-125
- Willow flycatcher KY-82
- White-eyed vireo KY-98, KY-99
- Barn swallow (KY-82)
- Tufted titmouse (KY-121)
- Sedge wren KY-121
- Northern mockingbird KY-105
- European starling KY-103
- Ovenbird (KY-125)
- Yellow-breasted chat KY-86
- Field sparrow KY-93
- Henslow's sparrow KY-123
- Scarlet tanager KY-91, (KY-144)
- Red-winged blackbird (KY-121)
- House finch KY-120
- House sparrow KY-104
- High school students KY-102
- Reverend James Love KY-117
- Illinois: Shawnee National Forest
- Illinois: Ferne Clyffe State Park
- Illinois: Beside the Mississippi River
- Missouri: The Ozarks
- Missouri: Prairie State Park
- Northern bobwhite MO-119, (MO-153), (MO-164)
- Barred owl MO-13
- Eastern wood-pewee (MO-13)
- Willow flycatcher MO-153
- Eastern phoebe MO-150
- Bell's vireo MO-151
- Chickadee hybrids MO-149
- Tufted titmouse (MO-149)
- Brown thrasher (MO-163)
- Yellow-breasted chat MO-152
- Grasshopper sparrow MO-168
- Henslow's sparrow MO-164, MO-165
- Rose-breasted grosbeak MO-169
- Dickcissel MO-154, MO-155, MO-156, MO-157, MO-158, MO-159, MO-160
- Eastern meadowlark MO-161, KS-162, (MO-153)
- Brown-headed cowbird MO-163, (KS-162)
- Baltimore oriole MO-169
- Kansas
- Ring-necked pheasant (KS-175)
- Upland sandpiper KS-171
- Great horned owl (KS-174)
- Common nighthawk (KS-187)
- Northern flicker KS-183
- Great crested flycatcher KS-173, (KS-175), (KS-177)
- Western kingbird KS-175, KS-187, (KS-173)
- Eastern kingbird KS-174
- Scissor-tailed flycatcher KS-176
- Northern mockingbird KS-186
- Baltimore oriole KS-177, (KS-173)
- Oil well pump KS-172
- Cattle KS-282
- Kansas and Colorado: Short Grass Prairie
- Colorado: Riding the Rockies
- Sandhill crane (CO-213)
- Mourning dove CO-326
- Common poorwill (CO-193)
- Broad-tailed hummingbird CO-203, CO-204
- Red-naped sapsucker (CO-213)
- Olive-sided flycatcher CO-241
- Gray flycatcher CO-195, CO-196, CO-197
- Loggerhead shrike CO-232
- Plumbeous vireo CO-200
- Pinyon jay CO-208
- Western scrub-jay CO-326
- Clark's nutcracker CO-206
- Mountain chickadee CO-209, CO-214
- Juniper titmouse CO-199
- Bewick's wren CO-142
- Ruby-crowned kinglet CO-210
- Hermit thrush CO-206, CO-256
- MacGillivray's warbler (CO-213)
- Wilson's warbler CO-211
- Spotted towhee CO-194
- Lincoln's sparrow CO-213
- White-crowned sparrow CO-212
- Black-headed grosbeak CO-193, CO-198
- Lesser goldfinch CO-205
- Colorado and Wyoming: Sage Country
- Canada goose (WY-274)
- Virginia rail WY-237
- Sora WY-321, (CO-218), (CO-221), (WY-237)
- Willet (WY-274)
- Wilson's snipe CO-218
- Common raven (CO-218)
- Horned lark CO-222
- Rock wren WY-274
- Marsh wren CO-230
- Mountain bluebird CO-228
- Sage thrasher CO-217
- Yellow warbler WY-69, WY-316
- Yellow-breasted chat WY-231, WY-236
- Green-tailed towhee CO-224
- Spotted towhee WY-235
- Savannah sparrow CO-221
- Red-winged blackbird (CO-218)
- Western meadowlark CO-229, (CO-222)
- Yellow-headed blackbird CO-280, (CO-221)
- Brown-headed cowbird (WY-236)
- American goldfinch WY-234, WY-316, (WY-235)
- Wyoming: Grand Teton National Park
- Red-naped sapsucker (WY-251)
- Dusky flycatcher WY-245
- Warbling vireo WY-242
- Barn swallow WY-250
- Red-breasted nuthatch (WY-251)
- American robin WY-244
- MacGillivray's warbler (WY-251)
- Vesper sparrow WY-253
- Dark-eyed junco WY-251
- Western tanager WY-248, OR-249
- Red crossbill WY-252
- Pine siskin (WY-248)
- Weather forecast WY-254
- Wyoming: Yellowstone National Park
- Sora WY-261
- Spotted sandpiper (WY-266)
- Mountain chickadee WY-267, (WY-262)
- Ruby-crowned kinglet WY-265, (WY-262)
- Mountain bluebird WY-260
- Yellow-rumped warbler WY-262
- Savannah sparrow WY-266
- Cassin's finch WY-263, WY-264
- Pine siskin WY-240
- Daisy geyser WY-258
- Ear spring geyser WY-257
- Grotto geyser WY-259
- Montana: General
- Ruffed grouse (MT-271), (MT-290)
- Osprey MT-297
- Sandhill crane (MT-290)
- Western wood-pewee MT-275
- Willow flycatcher MT-225
- Least flycatcher MT-238
- Marsh wren MT-294
- Gray catbird MT-238, MT-277
- Lincoln's sparrow MT-290
- White-crowned sparrow MT-269, MT-270, MT-271
- Bobolink MT-278
- Brown-headed cowbird (MT-290)
- Montana: Big Hole National Battlefield, Chief Joseph Pass
- Canada goose MT-287
- American wigeon MT-296
- Sandhill crane MT-272, (MT-268), (MT-285)
- Wilson's snipe MT-276, MT-283
- Red-naped sapsucker MT-291
- Olive-sided flycatcher MT-348
- Clark's nutcracker MT-289
- Common raven MT-268
- Black-capped chickadee MT-288
- Townsend's solitaire MT-292
- Veery MT-287
- Swainson's thrush MT-243
- American robin MT-285
- Northern waterthrush MT-287, MT-288
- MacGillivray's warbler MT-289
- Yellow warbler MT-288
- Savannah sparrow (MT-283)
- Song sparrow (MT-288)
- White-crowned sparrow MT-286
- Brown-headed cowbird MT-281
- Coyotes (MT-292)
- Idaho
- Ring-necked pheasant (ID-309), (ID-310)
- Ruffed grouse ID-305
- Broad-tailed hummingbird ID-255
- Lewis's woodpecker ID-299
- Pileated woodpecker (ID-304)
- Cordilleran flycatcher ID-202
- Steller's jay ID-303
- Common raven ID-344, (ID-304)
- Horned lark ID-273
- Red-breasted nuthatch (ID-304)
- Rock wren ID-223
- Veery ID-323
- American robin (ID-298)
- Varied thrush ID-304
- Nashville warbler ID-302
- Yellow warbler ID-309, ID-310
- Townsend's warbler ID-308
- Spotted towhee ID-298
- Brewer's sparrow ID-219, ID-220
- Fox sparrow ID-307
- Song sparrow ID-351
- Black-headed grosbeak (ID-302)
- Idaho and Oregon: Hell's Canyon
- Oregon: Eastern
- California quail OR-312
- Pied-billed grebe OR-179, (OR-190)
- Western grebe (OR-179)
- American coot (OR-190)
- Willet (OR-342)
- Great horned owl (OR-295)
- Common nighthawk OR-170, (OR-192), (OR-331)
- White-throated swift OR-239
- Northern flicker (OR-330)
- Willow flycatcher (OR-190)
- Say's phoebe OR-192
- Western kingbird OR-331
- Cassin's vireo OR-330
- Hermit thrush OR-334
- European starling OR-333
- Common yellowthroat OR-295
- Yellow warbler (OR-190)
- Chipping sparrow (WY-247)
- Dark-eyed junco OR-336
- Western tanager OR-246, WY-247, OR-311, (OR-336)
- Lazuli bunting OR-339
- Western meadowlark OR-342
- Brown-headed cowbird (OR-339)
- Bullock's oriole OR-190
- House sparrow OR-332
- Bumblebees OR-338
- Oregon: Over the Cascades
- Oregon: Homecoming, in Willamette Valley
- California quail (OR-357)
- Ring-necked pheasant (OR-365)
- Pied-billed grebe (OR-359)
- Red-tailed hawk OR-366
- Great horned owl OR-360
- Acorn woodpecker OR-369
- Red-breasted sapsucker OR-367
- Western wood-pewee OR-201, OR-207
- Pacific-slope flycatcher OR-362
- Three-wattled bellbird OR-352
- Hutton's vireo OR-370
- Warbling vireo OR-325, OR-365
- Steller's jay OR-343, (OR-359)
- Western scrub-jay OR-364
- Purple martin (OR-201)
- Tree swallow OR-363
- Black-capped chickadee OR-359
- Chestnut-backed chickadee OR-376, OR-377
- Bushtit OR-341
- Brown creeper OR-353
- Pacific wren OR-300
- Bewick's wren OR-355, OR-356, OR-357, OR-358
- Swainson's thrush OR-354
- Cedar waxwing OR-147, (OR-207)
- Orange-crowned warbler OR-361, OR-365
- Black-throated gray warbler OR-368
- Wilson's warbler OR-365
- Spotted towhee OR-354, (OR-207), (OR-359)
- Black-headed grosbeak OR-325
- Lazuli bunting OR-365
- House finch OR-191
- Purple finch OR-365
- American goldfinch (OR-207)
- Evening grosbeak OR-365
- Oregon: The Pacific coast
listen to the dawn chorus
Surf the wave of dawn’s first light and birdsong across the continent, listening to how birds greet each new day. I offer two ways that you might want to explore the dawn chorus.
You can use the Quick index by state to immerse yourself in the dawn chorus in any state of your choice, from Virginia to Oregon. Or try the Index by species. Listen to how eastern species pass the torch to their western cousins. Check out the tanagers, or Empidonax flycatchers, or warblers, for example.
Quick index by state
- Virginia
- Eastern whip-poor-will VA-37
- Least flycatcher VA-55
- Great crested flycatcher VA-27, (VA-37)
- Eastern kingbird VA-85
- Blue-gray gnatcatcher VA-24
- American robin VA-53
- Brown thrasher VA-30
- Blue-winged warbler VA-73
- Black-and-white warbler VA-74
- Common yellowthroat VA-22
- Hooded warbler VA-76
- Chestnut-sided warbler VA-43
- Black-throated green warbler VA-61
- Canada warbler VA-52
- Eastern towhee VA-35, (VA-39)
- Field sparrow VA-39
- Scarlet tanager VA-38, (VA-53)
- Northern cardinal VA-26, (VA-37)
- Kentucky
- Illinois
- Missouri
- Kansas
- Colorado
- Wyoming
- Montana
- Idaho
- Oregon
- Great horned owl OR-360, (OR-295)
- Common nighthawk OR-170, (OR-192), (OR-331)
- Western wood-pewee OR-201
- Hammond's flycatcher OR-350
- Pacific-slope flycatcher OR-362
- Say's phoebe OR-192
- Western kingbird OR-331
- Tree swallow OR-363
- Black-capped chickadee OR-359
- Rock wren OR-329
- Swainson's thrush OR-354, OR-373
- Gray catbird OR-324
- Orange-crowned warbler OR-361
- Common yellowthroat OR-295
- Yellow-breasted chat OR-328
- Spotted towhee OR-354, (OR-359)
- Fox sparrow OR-345
- Song sparrow OR-327
- Dark-eyed junco OR-336
- Western tanager OR-246, (OR-336)
- Lazuli bunting OR-313, OR-329
Quick index by species
- Rails
- Sora WY-261
- Owls
- Nightjars
- Flycatchers
- Western wood-pewee OR-201
- Eastern wood-pewee KY-144, (MO-13)
- Acadian flycatcher MO-129
- Willow flycatcher KY-82
- Least flycatcher VA-55
- Hammond's flycatcher OR-350
- Gray flycatcher CO-195
- Pacific-slope flycatcher OR-362
- Cordilleran flycatcher ID-202
- Eastern phoebe MO-150
- Say's phoebe OR-192
- Great crested flycatcher VA-27, KY-128, KS-173, (VA-37), (KS-175), (KS-177)
- Western kingbird KS-175, OR-331, (KS-173)
- Eastern kingbird VA-85, KS-174
- Scissor-tailed flycatcher KS-176
- Vireos
- Bell's vireo MO-151
- Larks
- Horned lark CO-284
- Swallows
- Chickadees, titmouse
- Black-capped chickadee OR-359
- Wrens
- Rock wren OR-329
- Gnatcatchers, kinglets, wrentit
- Blue-gray gnatcatcher VA-24
- Thrushes
- Mockingbirds, catbirds, thrashers
- Warblers
- Blue-winged warbler VA-73
- Black-and-white warbler VA-74
- Orange-crowned warbler OR-361
- Nashville warbler ID-302
- Common yellowthroat VA-22, OR-295
- Hooded warbler VA-76
- American redstart KY-75
- Yellow warbler WY-69, ID-309
- Chestnut-sided warbler VA-43
- Pine warbler MO-140
- Black-throated green warbler VA-61
- Canada warbler VA-52
- Yellow-breasted chat KY-86, IL-88, OR-328, (MO-129)
- Sparrows
- Cardinals, tanagers, grosbeaks, buntings
- Blackbirds
- Finches
- House sparrow
- House sparrow CO-139